
Internet and Data are the Future of Farming

November 9, 2016 9:10 am

Australia has long been known as an agricultural country, due to its vast size and fertile land.
To keep the spirit of farming alive, experts say the only way to face the future is through Internet and data sharing. According to agricultural and consumer economics professor of the University of Illinois, Steve Sonka, Australia’s farming future will hinge on the implementation of precise GPS-based tech when applying inputs and measure outputs, the Weekly Times Now noted.
Mr Sonka stated that there are three major drivers in Australia that will make it adopt “digital farming” — the food sector, the consumers that wish to know production systems, and the regulators that want to have a tangible response with regards to farm profitability.
However, Mr Sonka was not blind to the country’s connectivity issues:

“Australia has a chance to develop the ecosystem for testing technology because it is of a significant size and (has) educated users, but being large and so vast often works against adoption because of the money it takes to get out and implement things.
It is taking data from one individual field or farm, putting that into a larger data system, and gaining insights. If we look across many acres and areas we can learn a lot more rapidly.”

For years, Australia’s connectivity issues have taken the spotlight and were identified by experts and citizens alike as a major blockage to the growth of many of the country’s industries, particularly farming.
Fortunately, the National Broadband Network has been making strides over recent years and committed itself to its huge-scale rollout. The nbn® is focused on providing internet to as many rural and regional Australians as possible by launching the second nbn satellite, Sky Muster® II. It’s been benefiting more people, especially farmers that wish to implement digital farming on their fields.
The nbn®‘s Sky Muster satellite brings better satellite internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:
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